Six The Musical Tickets
Tennessee Performing Arts Center | Nashville, Tennessee
Have you ever experienced the fantastic story of Six the Musical live? If your answer is “yes”, then you are aware why fans are already rushing to the ticket stands to buy seats for Six’s Broadway performance on Thursday 23rd February 2023 at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. Created by friends Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, Six unfolds as part musical, part all-out pop performance driven by the vocally diverse ensemble cast. Each of the six wives, classified by childhood slogan “divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived”, take centre stage to tell their story. Ultimately, they declare themselves more than a rhyme, and more than just the wives of an infamous King. If you don’t want to miss out on seeing Six The Musical live on Thursday 23rd February 2023 at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, then click the Buy Tickets button below.
In this sense, we’re not actually talking about the costumes, which are fabulous by the way, but the premise of this musical is being a show. A musical about Henry VIII’s six wives could have actually gone a number of different ways but the one they chose was certainly different and makes this production truly stand out, in a superb way, the style makes it extremely contemporary and instantly likeable. This show is sure to leave you stunned, some come to the stunning Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville for an evening of surreal entertainment.