New Ballet Ensemble And School Presents NutRemix Tickets
Cannon Center For The Performing Arts | Memphis, Tennessee

Witnessing the art of ballet in person will leave you astounded, so naturally when you find out that New Ballet Ensemble And School Presents NutRemix is once again touring the US for fall, 2023 your mind becomes fuzzy! The legendary ballet, in your hometown for a beautiful and highly skilled night of ballet this November! The evening will be held at none other than the favorite theatre for an evening like this, the unsurpassed Cannon Center For The Performing Arts, Memphis, Tennessee, reviews are top class. Cancel any plans for Sunday 19th November 2023, and secure your access for the evening now by pressing the button on this page this instant!
Many ways exist to tell a story. Any form of art tells tales about history, love, loss, and magic. But the beatury of the movement in a ballet production is quite unparalleled. And no, you don’t need to be a ballet fan to enjoyappreciate it truly. New Ballet Ensemble And School Presents NutRemix will show you what ballet is all about… and you will be hooked forever. This production is not to be missed... if dance inspires you, if you know someone who loves Ballet, if you love the story of New Ballet Ensemble And School Presents NutRemix then these are all great reasons to ensure that you are right there in the crowd watching New Ballet Ensemble And School Presents NutRemix on the Cannon Center For The Performing Arts stage. Cannon Center For The Performing Arts is one of the leading venues in Memphis and will give you everything you need to spend a truly memorable night. Join in the fun this November and book your tickets and seats above right here today!