Marriage Play Tickets
Tennessee Performing Arts Center | Nashville, Tennessee
Have you heard the name of the theater sensation that’s coming to Cookeville, Tennessee on Thursday 26th January 2023? Time’s up! The answer is none other than Marriage Play, one of the premier theater companies on this side of the country and they’re bringing their unsurpassed talent and passion to the Cookeville Performing Arts Center stage for a once-in-a-lifetime performance that you won’t want to miss. Critics are already referring to this event as "the can’t-miss musical of 2023” and theater lovers have noticed and are waiting for tickets to be on sale so that they can secure theirs immediately. Order your tickets here and get some of the most amazing seats in the venue. All you have to do is click the Buy Tickets button below to enjoy Marriage Play live on Thursday 26th January 2023 at the Cookeville Performing Arts Center.
You cannot fault being there for a world class musical, Marriage Play is just that…this award winner of a production has luckily released tickets for the all new winter, 2023 show! Critics have called it 'a real treat' and one of the top if not THE top on stage this year! Your exciting Thursday night of musical theatre in January looks like a winner! Marriage Play will head along to the astounding, Cookeville Performing Arts Center, Cookeville, Tennessee on Thursday 26th January 2023. Cookeville Performing Arts Center is absolutely a decent choice for holding a mainstream production like this one with optimal parking, noteworthy amenities, beautiful surroundings AND THAT food, it's going to be a good night! It's a great watch for all so how about bringing the kids!? Tickets are in limited suppple so secure yours as quickly as you can….click the 'get tickets' link now!