Ain't Too Proud Tickets
Tennessee Performing Arts Center | Nashville, Tennessee
Here’s some good news for all the theatre enthusiasts in Nashville and the area – one of the most highly anticipated square-offs of the year is finally taking place on Sunday 26th March 2023 (Rescheduled from Sunday 15th May 2022), and it will be even more epic than it sounds! That’s right – Ain't Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations will hit the arena of one of the most illustrious stadiums in this part of the country – the infamous Tennessee Performing Arts Center, and the tickets are quickly getting sold out. The athletes and coaches are on top of their games and will take the patrons on the ultimate theatre adventure and guarantee a night filled with world-class entertainment. What more could you possibly wish for – hit the Buy Ticket button below and head down to Tennessee Performing Arts Center with your sports-minded peers to sample the sports arena at its finest!
Obviously, the music of The Temptations and the audience’s identification with it has a lot to do with that immediate connection. Like how certain smells are able to evoke powerful memories, so too can sounds. And there’s no doubt that The Temptations' music is the soundtrack to the lives of a wide range of generations from Baby Boomers to Millennials. The group started in 1960 and continues to perform today. But Ain’t Too Proud isn’t just another jukebox musical. It’s based on founding member Otis Williams’ (Derrick Baskin) memoir “The Temptations,” and in the musical he is the narrator. As the only one of the “classic five” Temptations alive today, it’s only fitting he’s the one to tell the story. So come and see an emotional rollercoaster at the stunning Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville for a night of pure entertainment that will be unmissable!